SHIBOLIM - Integration of people with disabilities in the Mechinot
- MADOR: National Initiatives of the Joint Council of Mechinot

Shibolim, a program of the Joint Council of Mechinot (Pre-Military Leadership Academies), targets young people with disabilities who wish to take part in the mechina experience. We believe that all members of society are equally entitled to live their lives fully both as members of the collective and as individuals, and part of this right is the opportunity to attend a mechina.
Program participants develop independence skills and social skills, expand their social circles, and build varied circles of support as they gain valuable experiences that help them obtain productive and rewarding placement in the IDF and go on to live as independent adults integrated in the workforce.
Program goals
Ensure that young people with disabilities have equal opportunity to attend mechina as preparation for meaningful service in the IDF, with welcome consequences for their future as an integral and integrated part of Israeli society.
Target population
Young people with disabilities, including physical, sensory, cognitive, and psychological disabilities and complex learning disability, who have graduated from mainstream or special high schools, satisfy mechina admission requirements, and are to be conscripted or wish to volunteer in the IDF.
Program components
• Handicapped-accessible admissions process tailored to the target population
• Training and guidance for mechina staff
• Development of an individual program plan
• Accessibility modifications and accommodations according to disability type
• Assistance to help participants take full advantage of their rights
• Bank of accessibility equipment for daily use and field trips
• Guidance through the IDF placement process and during service to help participants obtain and execute meaningful assignments
Our program partners: JDC–Israel, Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defense, National Insurance Institute, Ruderman Family Foundation, UJA–Federation of New York
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